The National Weather Service has issued an Excessive Heat Warning for:
Pima, Pinal, Santa Cruz, and Yavapai counties through September 6
and has extended the excessive heat warning for La Paz and Yuma counties through September 8.
Daytime highs up to 113 degrees Fahrenheit are expected. with the potential to cause life-threatening illnesses or even death. Public cooling centers are available in some areas. Stay cool, stay hydrated, and stay informed.

School Health Profiles Survey

The School Health Profiles (Profiles) is a school-based survey conducted in Arizona and the United States and administered by the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) in a sample selection of Arizona middle and high schools grades six through 12.

Unlike the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (which is reported by students), the Profiles Survey is conducted among school principals and lead health education teachers in Arizona public and charter high schools. 

Survey questions are developed or approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Teachers and principals do not report their names or any other identifiable information on the survey.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) works with Westat to select a sample of approximately 100 Arizona high schools to participate from a list of all eligible Arizona high schools.

ADHS works to develop outreach and support materials. It then sends out invitation packets to principals of selected Arizona middle schools and high schools inviting them to participate in the Profiles Survey.

If a school chooses not to participate, another school cannot be selected in its place.

Selected schools will receive emails including invitation letters and embedded links that direct them to the web version of the surveys. Weekly reminder emails will also be auto-delivered to remind schools to participate in the survey.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that Profiles provides data on the following areas:

  • Sexual health education.
  • Safe and supportive school environments.
  • Sexual health services.
  • Health services for students with chronic conditions.
  • Supportive school nutrition environments.
  • Comprehensive school physical activity programs.

This data shows the progress in the implementation of school policies and practices to help improve the health of school-aged youth.

View the survey questions for the 2024 Profiles Survey (School Health Profiles survey is conducted in every even-numbered year):

View the survey questions from previous years:

Profiles data plays a crucial role for leaders and decision-makers, particularly in schools, school districts, and state education agencies.

It helps identify gaps in policies and practices that can affect student health and academic performance. By understanding these gaps, leaders can initiate discussions and implement necessary changes, monitoring their impact over time.

When combined with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (YRBS) data, Profiles data becomes a powerful tool for decision-makers to track the consequences of their choices.

Policymakers and community leaders can leverage Profiles data to raise awareness. They can use the data to unite communities in addressing health and education needs as well as shape policies, practices, and programs that safeguard student health.

Education and health officials use this data to describe and compare school health policies, identify professional development needs, plan and monitor programs, support relevant legislation, seek funding, and foster support for future surveys.

If you’d like to learn more about Profiles, please visit the CDC website.

In Arizona, the survey is partially funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and funding collected from Arizona taxes on recreational Marijuana sales to assist nonprofit organizations and health departments in addressing important public health issues that affect the state.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), School Health Profiles survey results provide useful insights including:

  • Physical education and physical activity.
  • Practices related to bullying and sexual harassment.
  • School-based health services.
  • Family engagement and community involvement.

Stay connected

Sign up for Youth Risk Behavior Survey & School Health Profiles updates or comtact us:

Phone: 480-489-7076
Email: [email protected]

Bin Suh

Arizona State Coordinator
Arizona YRBS/SHP Coordinator
Public Health Prevention
150 N 18th Ave, Suite 310
Phoenix, AZ 85007
[email protected]